

TM: 18978HGV: 18978Date: – Place:


Original not annotated
Regular not annotated


No annotators yet.


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What's going on

older version 26.02.2021
Iida Emilia Huitula says:
Importation fixed for all the sentences. I checked the xml's and the first sentence is looping even there. I removed all the heads causing looping and now the tree is visible but very broken. You can find the xml's from the versions (the second version) if you want but they're not very useful since the annotation there isn't ready.
older version 26.02.2021
Iida Emilia Huitula says:
The first sentence is in a bad condition but importation fixed for all the other sentences.
older version 26.02.2021
Iida Emilia Huitula says:
There was no data at all at first but I found Jamie's xml's from the versions and imported those.
older version 26.02.2021
Iida Emilia Huitula imported annotations to the regular layer
older version 26.02.2021
Iida Emilia Huitula imported annotations to the original layer
older version 13.12.2020
Marja Vierros marked as migrated the regular layer
older version 13.12.2020
Marja Vierros marked as migrated the original layer
older version 28.05.2020
Jamie Vesterinen imported annotations to the regular layer
older version 28.05.2020
Jamie Vesterinen imported annotations to the original layer
older version 28.05.2020
Jamie Vesterinen previously annotated the original layer
older version 28.05.2020
Jamie Vesterinen previously annotated the regular layer