

TM: 21339HGV: 21339Date: – Place:


Original not annotated
Regular not annotated


No annotators yet.


No approvers yet.

What's going on

older version 16.09.2022
Polina Yordanova approved the regular layer
older version 16.09.2022
Polina Yordanova approved the original layer
older version 16.09.2022
Polina Yordanova says:
Fixed lemma of 2:87.
older version 16.09.2022
Polina Yordanova rejected the regular layer
older version 16.09.2022
Polina Yordanova rejected the original layer
older version 30.11.2021
Marja Vierros approved the regular layer
older version 30.11.2021
Marja Vierros approved the original layer
older version 28.11.2021
Sari Kock submitted for review the original layer
older version 28.11.2021
Sari Kock submitted for review the regular layer
older version 28.11.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 28.11.2021
Sari Kock reopened the regular layer
older version 28.11.2021
Sari Kock annotated the original layer
older version 28.11.2021
Sari Kock reopened the original layer
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros rejected the regular layer
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros says:
Thank you! A couple of comments, mostly in orig, one in reg.
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros commented in Arethusa
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros commented in Arethusa
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros commented in Arethusa
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros commented in Arethusa
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros rejected the original layer
older version 22.11.2021
Marja Vierros approved the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock submitted for review the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock submitted for review the regular layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock started working on the original layer
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock commented in Arethusa
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock commented in Arethusa
older version 20.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 11.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 11.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 11.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 07.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 07.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 07.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 07.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 06.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 06.10.2021
Sari Kock annotated the regular layer
older version 06.10.2021
Sari Kock started working on the regular layer