

TM: 718HGV: 718Date: – Place:


Original not annotated
Regular not annotated


No annotators yet.


No approvers yet.

What's going on

older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova approved the regular layer
older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova approved the original layer
older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova says:
Initial annotation made by Petri Lahtinen. Changes upon finalization: Πύρρου 4-4 label from ADV to OBJ, deleted unused artificial tokens in sentences 4 and 5, restructured ὅσα κατʼ ἄνθρωπον construction, μὴ 9-6 morph changed to adv, διοικῶν 10-7 moved under ἱκανὸς 10-5, Πύρρου 11-3 ADV to OBJ.
older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova annotated the original layer
older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova annotated the regular layer
older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova imported annotations to the regular layer
older version 23.10.2019
Polina Yordanova imported annotations to the original layer